Ed's Arms and Artifacts for rare and invaluable items will get you exactly what you need in a jiff, with garunteed discretion. Items from all over the galaxy are available, from Weapons to regulated chemicals - We've got everything you need
We supply weapons of mediocre destruction, alien stowaways and certain investigative 'tools'. The rarer the item, the dearer the price! (Obviously)
For a limited time we are introducing original copies of leaked documents -Check them out ! Feel Free to browse our store - but don't stay too long, as to arise any suspicion.
Please contact us to inquire about availability and pricing as stocks don't usually last more than an hour - so get in quick.
Bitcoin: 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2
Ethereum: 12f7c4c8977a5b9addb52b83e23c9d0f3b89
Send all requests to eaa@mail.com